Now showing items 2986-3005 of 6531

    Industries -- Size -- Econometric models. [1]
    Industries -- Technological innovations -- Effect of subsidies on -- Mexico -- States -- Statistical methods. [1]
    Industries -- Technological innovations -- Mexico -- 1980-1995. [1]
    Industries -- Technological innovations -- Mexico. [1]
    Infant Mortality -- Effect of pollution on -- Mexico -- 2016-2018 -- Econometric models. [1]
    Infanticide -- Law and legislation -- Mexico. [1]
    Infanticide -- Mexico -- Public opinion -- History -- 1920-1945 -- Comparative studies. [1]
    Infants -- Mortality -- Environmental aspects -- Mexico -- Mexico City -- Econometric models. [1]
    Infection -- Prevention -- Mexico. [1]
    Inflation (Finance) -- Argentina -- Mathematical models. [1]
    Inflation (Finance) -- Econometric models. [2]
    Inflation (Finance) -- Ecuador -- 1980-1999 -- Econometric models. [1]
    Inflation (Finance) -- Effect of Elections on -- Mexico -- Mathematical models. [1]
    Inflation (Finance) -- Effect of monetary policy on -- Mathematical models. [1]
    Inflation (Finance) -- Effect of money -- Mexico -- 1950-1980 -- Statistical methods. [1]
    Inflation (Finance) -- Effect of supply and demand on -- Mexico -- Mathematical models. [1]
    Inflation (Finance) -- Effect of temperature on -- Mexico -- 1985-2020 -- Econometric models. [1]
    Inflation (Finance) -- Effect of Uncertainty on -- Mexico -- 1960- -- Mathematical models. [1]
    Inflation (Finance) -- Effect of uncertainty on -- Mexico -- 1993-2009 -- Econometric models. [1]
    Inflation (Finance) -- Latin America -- Econometric models. [2]