Now showing items 5651-5670 of 5684

    2001  Wage inequality and the gender wage gap in Mexico  Meza González, Liliana
    2001  The "war on poverty" program (1964) in the USA: bureaucratic reaction to a non-bureaucratic organization: how to change bureaucracies?  Arellano Gault, David
    2013  Was Mexico's 2012 election undemocratic?: assessing the fraud accusations  Serra, Gilles
    2003  Water conflict and governance in the Rio Bravo basin  Carter, Nicole
    2002  Welfare design, women's empowerment and income pooling  Rubalcava, Luis N.; Teruel, Graciela M.; Thomas, Duncan
    2014-02-13  What determines adult cognitive skills?: influences of pre-school, school, and post-school experiences in Guatemala  Behrman, Jere R.; Hoddinott, John; Maluccio, John A.; Soler-Hampejsek, Erica; Behrman, Emily L.; Martorell, Reynaldo; Ramírez-Zea, Manuel; Stein, Aryeh D.
    1998  What do unions do?: measuring their impact in the Mexican cotton textile industry, 1900-1930  Gómez Galvarriato, Aurora
    2022-02-14  What effect does public and private capital have on income inequality? The case of the Latin America and Caribbean region  Santiago, Renato; Fuinhas, José Alberto; Koengkan, Matheus; Cardoso Marques, António
    2008  What is CIDE?  Cabrero Mendoza, Enrique
    2006  What makes strong federalism seem weak?: fiscal resources and presidential-provincial relations in Argentina  Benton, Allyson
    2013  When change matters identifying score gains school determinants in Mexico: an intra-cohort value-added approach  Franco Vivanco, Edgar
    2024  When prices go awry: the effects of an oil price bust in a subnational oil-producing economy  Juárez Albañil, José Gerardo; Chávez, Emmanuel; Rojas, Irvin
    2012  When will incumbents avoid a primary challenge?: primary elections to aggregate partial information about candidates' valence  Serra, Gilles
    2001  Who benefits from social spending in Mexico?  Scott, John
    2014  Who lies about electoral gifts?: experimental evidence from Latin America  Kiewiet de Jonge, Chad P.
    2010  Who runs against the incumbent? Candidate entry decisions  Moscoso Boedo, Luciana Cecilia
    2011  Whose preferences?: Latin American trade promotion pacts as a tool of US foreign policy  Nolan García, Kimberly A.
    2019  Why am I still unemployed? Scarring effects of the economic crises in Mexico  Zapata Barrientos, Luis Gerardo
    2013  Why did wage inequality decrease in Mexico after NAFTA?  Campos Vázquez, Raymundo M.
    2006  Why is structural reform stangnating in Mexico?: policy reform episodes from Salinas to Fox  Lehoucq, Fabrice Edouard