Recent Submissions

2017  Does charisma discourage experience and encourage extremism?: the electoral strategies of a populist candidate  Serra, Gilles
2017  Should we expect primary elections to create polarization?: a robust median voter theorem with rational parties  Serra, Gilles
2017  El fuero en México: entre inmunidad e impunidad  Casar, María Amparo; Luna Jiménez, Janet de; Aguilar Méndez, Víctor Darío; Alvarado Andalón, Ricardo Alberto
2016  Reforma electoral y elecciones presidenciales en Estados Unidos  Crespo, José Antonio
2016  Primaries, conventions, and other methods for nominating candidates: how do they matter?  Serra, Gilles
2016  Congressional negotiations with costly voting: understanding the reforms to PEMEX in 2006-2008  Serra, Gilles
2015  Vote buying and vote coercion in subnational politics: weaknesses of the Mexican democracy  Serra, Gilles
2014  Élites y violencia organizada en México  Schedler, Andreas
2014  Instituciones judiciales en los Estados de México: una perspectiva de largo plazo, 1917-2010  Ríos Figueroa, Julio; Soto Tamayo, Luis
2015  "Liberating" territory: an empirical examination of the determinants of local control by Sendero Luminoso  Calle Robles, Luis de la
2014  Judicial institutions and the dilemmas of power-sharing and control in authoritarian regimes  Aguilar Fernández, Paloma; Ríos Figueroa, Julio
2006  Confronting pluralism: constitutional reform in Mexico after Fox  Negretto, Gabriel L.
2013  Índices para medir la delegación de autoridad para emitir decretos  Garriga, Ana Carolina; Duarte Ortiz, Héctor
2013  Demise and resurrection of a dominant party: understanding the PRI's comeback in Mexico  Serra, Gilles
2013  ¡Con las manos en la protesta!: un estudio comparativo de motivaciones, contextos y dinámicas de movilización en la Ciudad de México  Inclán, María de la Luz; Almeida, Paul; Gómez García, Guillermo
2013  Was Mexico's 2012 election undemocratic?: assessing the fraud accusations  Serra, Gilles
2013  Emerging trends in the study of electoral authoritarianism  Schedler, Andreas
2009  Political career of party reputational concerns?: determining how partisan effects matter for subnational fiscal discipline, evidence from Mexico  Benton, Allyson; Smith, Heidi Jane
2013  Carl Schmitt: una jurisprudencia del milagro para un mundo sin Dios  Bravo Regidor, Carlos
2013  The 2012 election in Mexico: campaigns, results and conflict  Serra, Gilles

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