Now showing items 1-12 of 12

    2012  The (authoritarian) Governor's dilemma: supporting the national authoritarian regime without stoking local demands for political change  Benton, Allyson
    2012  The Catholic Church, political institutions and electoral outcomes in Oaxaca, Mexico  Benton, Allyson
    2006  Do investors assess the credibility of campaign commitments?: the case of Mexico's 2006 presidential race  Benton, Allyson
    2008  The effect of electoral rules on indigenous voting behavior in Mexico's state of Oaxaca  Benton, Allyson
    2006  Latin America's (legal) subnational authoritarian enclaves: the case of Mexico  Benton, Allyson
    2011  The origins of Mexico's municipal usos y costumbres regimes: supporting local political participation or local authoritarian control?  Benton, Allyson
    2009  Political career of party reputational concerns?: determining how partisan effects matter for subnational fiscal discipline, evidence from Mexico  Benton, Allyson; Smith, Heidi Jane
    2009  Politics and sector-specific stock market performance  Benton, Allyson
    2007  "A ras de suelo": candidate appearances and events in Mexico´s presidential campaign  Langston, Joy (Joy Kathryn); Benton, Allyson
    2014  A rational partisan explanation for irrational (sub) sovereign debt behavior: evidence from municipal Mexico  Benton, Allyson; Smith, Heidi Jane
    2012  Some facts and fictions about violence and politics in Mexico  Benton, Allyson
    2006  What makes strong federalism seem weak?: fiscal resources and presidential-provincial relations in Argentina  Benton, Allyson