Now showing items 5220-5239 of 5629

    2023-01-25  State dependence of fiscal multipliers in Chile – an independent component approach to identification  Fortunato, Andrés; Herwartz, Helmut
    2008  State-dependent nominal rigidities & disinflation programs in small open economies  Hernández, Kólver
    2019  Stationary and trend stationary processes with level and trend breaks: central limit theorems and asymptotic distribution  Basulto Muñoz, Alfonso
    2003  Stephen J. Gould: la visión histórica de un científico humanista  Velasco Grajales, Jesús
    2016  Sticking to the winners - Heterogeneous financial frictions and growth  Rivera Mora, Ernesto
    2017  Stochastic frontiers and technical efficiency of local public expenditure in Mexico  Becerra Ornelas, Alejandro Uriel; Núñez, Héctor M.
    2011  Strangers to the world: astronomy and the birth of anthropology in the eighteenth century  Sauter, Michael J.
    2000  Strategic behavior and the pricing of gas  Rosellón, Juan; Brito, Dagobert L.
    2001  Strategic design of public organizations in complex situations: the case of the National Security Council in the USA : organizational paradox and ad hocratic action  Arellano Gault, David
    2009  Strategic information acquisition in networked groups with "informational spillovers"  Jiménez Martínez, Antonio
    2009  Strategic use of mobiles in Latin America and the Caribbean  Ramírez Hernández, Fernando; Angoitia, Regina de
    2014-02-15  Structural change, marginal land and economic development in Latin America and the Caribbean  Barbier, Edward; Bugas, John S.
    2006  Structural reform, democratic governance, and institutional design in Latin America  Lehoucq, Fabrice Edouard
    2012  Stuck in the mud: the politics of constitutional reform in the oil sector in Mexico  Elizondo Mayer-Serra, Carlos
    2021  Student performance in mathematics in six Latin American countries: a multilevel PISA 2018 data analysis  Ramírez García, Julio Cesar
    2011  Subastas de cuotas-tarifarias en México  León Rios, Raymundo
    2017  Subastas para la adquisición de bienes y servicios  Ángeles Galván, Oscar Miguel
    2000  La subcuenta de vivienda y el INFONAVIT  Villagómez Amezcua, Alejandro
    2018  Subdesarrollo del portal web del municipio de Aguascalientes. Análisis desde el enfoque evolutivo  Armendáriz Silva, Elsa Lucia
    2018  El subreporte del ingreso en México: una propuesta de cálculo  Valverde España, Carla Andrea