Now showing items 101-120 of 130

    2018-02-02  The Argentina paradox: microexplanations and macropuzzles  Taylor, Alan M.
    2018-10-01  On the role of financial aid in a default episode  Cuadra, Gabriel; Ramos‑Francia, Manuel; Garcia‑Verdu, Santiago
    2018-10-05  The demand for military spending in Latin American countries  Kollias, Christos; Paleologou, Suzanna-Maria; Tzeremes, Panayiotis; Tzeremes, Nickolaos
    2018-02-02  Yet another tale of two cities: Buenos Aires and Chicago  Campante, Filipe; Glaeser, Edward L. (Edward Ludwing)
    2018-12-04  Growth, inequality and poverty dynamics in Mexico  Iniguez‑Montiel, Alberto Javier; Kurosaki, Takashi
    2018-10-05  Asymmetric real‑exchange‑rate effects on capital accumulation: evidence from non‑linear ARDL models for Mexico  Ibarra Niño, Carlos Alberto
    2018-02-02  An estimation of CPI biases in Argentina 1985–2005 and its implications on real income growth and income distribution  Gluzmann, Pablo; Sturzenegger, Federico
    2018-01-05  Introduction to Argentine exceptionalism  Glaeser, Edward L. (Edward Ludwing); Di Tella, Rafael; Llach, Lucas
    2018-02-02  Argentine trade policies in the XX century: 60 years of solitude  Brambilla, Irene; Galiani, Sebastián; Porto, Guido G. (Guido Gustavo)
    2018-02-02  A short episodic history of income distribution in Argentina  Alvaredo, Facundo; Cruces, Guillermo; Gasparini, Leonardo
    2014-02-13  What determines adult cognitive skills?: influences of pre-school, school, and post-school experiences in Guatemala  Behrman, Jere R.; Hoddinott, John; Maluccio, John A.; Soler-Hampejsek, Erica; Behrman, Emily L.; Martorell, Reynaldo; Ramírez-Zea, Manuel; Stein, Aryeh D.
    2015-04-29  Product competition and R&D investment under spillovers within full or partial collusion games  Zhao, Kai
    2015-01-20  Intergenerational transmission of education: the relative importance of transmission channels  Chávez Juárez, Florian Wendelspiess
    2019-05-16  Delineating functional territories from outer space  Berdegué, Julio A.; Hiller, Tatiana; Ramírez, Juan Mauricio; Satizábal, Santiago; Soloaga, Isidro; Soto, Juan; Uribe, Miguel; Vargas, Olga
    2019-05-03  Pass‑through and competition: the impact of soft drink taxes as seen through Mexican supermarkets  Campos Vázquez, Raymundo M.; Medina-Cortina, Eduardo M.
    2015-05-05  Measuring the efficiency of public schools in Uruguay: main drivers and policy implications  Santín, Daniel; Sicilia, Gabriela
    2015-11-11  Progress and challenges in achieving an evidence-based education policy in Latin America and the Caribbean  Urquiola S., Miguel (Urquiola Soux)
    2015-10-07  Does access to health insurance reduce the risk of miscarriages?: evidence from Mexico’s Seguro Popular  Pfutze, Tobias
    2017-02-13  The rise and fall of income inequality in Chile  Parro, Francisco; Reyes, Loreto
    2015-09-24  Does access to free health insurance crowd-out private transfers?: evidence from Mexico’s Seguro Popular  Orraca, Pedro