The determinants of industrial growth across Mexican regions: a review of the empirical evidence and the role of public policies

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Tamayo Flores, Rafael
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The primary objective of this research paper is to review and contrast the results of these investigations in a way that yields sorne insight into the determinants of the regional pattem of manufacturing growth. Particular attention is given to the deconcentration stage and the role of public policy variables. It proved to be very difficult to draw definite conclusions on the basis of the quite limited number of studies and their quite dissimilar methods and design-even studies using similar methods do not bear close relationship to each other as they are designed to answer different questions. Nevertheless, sorne preliminary inferences could be drawn on the basis of this analytical review, which appears to be the first one in the subject for Mexico.
Centro de Investigación y Docencia Económicas, División de Administración Pública
El Centro de Investigación y Docencia Económicas A.C. CIDE autoriza a poner en acceso abierto de conformidad con las licencias CREATIVE COMMONS, aprobadas por el Consejo Académico Administrativo del CIDE, las cuales establecen los parámetros de difusión de las obras con fines no comerciales. Lo anterior sin perjuicio de los derechos morales que corresponden a los autores.
Documento de trabajo
Tamayo Flores, Rafael. "The determinants of industrial growth across Mexican regions: a review of the empirical evidence and the role of public policies". Documento de trabajo. , 1997.
Industrialization -- Government policy -- Mexico.
Industrial location -- Mexico.
Manufactures -- Location -- Mexico.