Now showing items 281-300 of 623

    2002  Review of Governing for prosperity, by Bruce Bueno de Mesquita y Hilton L. Roots (eds.)  Scorza, Valeria
    2002  Review of The deadlock of democracy in Brazil, by Barry Ames  Lehoucq, Fabrice Edouard
    2002  Review of Democracy and development: political institutions and well-being in the world 1950-1990, by Adam Przeworski, Michael E. Álvarez, José Antonio Cheibub y Fernando Limongi  Lehoucq, Fabrice Edouard
    2002  Review of Law and social norms, by Eric Posner  Bergman, Marcelo
    2002  Review of Bowling alone, the collapse and revival of American Community, by Robert D. Putnam  Elizarraras Alvarez, Rodrigo
    2002  Review of Pivotal politics: a theory of U.S. lawmaking, by Keith Krehbiel  Nacif, Benito
    2002  Review of Exploration and contestation in the study of world politics, by Peter J. Katzenstein, Roberto O. Keohane y Stephen D. Krasner (eds.)  Ortiz Mena, Antonio
    2002  Reseña de Poder y protesta popular. Movimientos sociales latinoamericanos, de Susan Eckstein (coord.)  Hernández Monzoy, Andira
    2002  Reseña de En defensa de la política, de Bernard Crick, trad. de Mercedes Zorrilla Diez  Maldonado Hernández, Gerardo de Jesús
    2002  Review of Elections as instruments of democracy: majoritarian and proportional visions, by Bingham Powell Jr.  Cleary, Matthew R.
    2002  Review of Prospertiy and violence, by Robert H. Bates; The mystery of capital. Why capitalism triumphs in the west and fails everywhere else?, by Hernando de Soto; The wealth and poverty of nations. Why some are so rich and some so poor, by David S. Landes  Ugalde, Luis Carlos
    2012  Review of Mexico and its diaspora in the United States: polices of emigration since 1848, by Alexandra Délano  Alarcón, Rafael
    2012  Review of Ruling by statue: how uncertainty and vote buying shape lawmaking, by Sebastián M. Saiegh  Ames, Barry
    2012  Review of The legal foundations of inequality constitutionalism in the Americas, 1776-1860, by Roberto Gargarella  Breña S., Roberto
    2012  Review of Decentralization, democratization and informal power in Mexico, by Andrew Selee  Cleary, Matthew R.
    2012  Review of Direct democracy worldwide, by David Altman  Buquet, Daniel
    2013  Reseña de La legitimidad democrática: imparcialidad, reflexividad, proximidad, de Pierre Rosanvallón  García Jurado, Roberto
    2013  Review of Dilemmas of democratic consolidation: a game theory approach, by Jay Ulfelder  Lehoucq, Fabrice Edouard
    2013  Review of Models of economic liberalization: business, workers, and compensation in Latin America, Spain, and Portugal, by Sebastián Etchemendy  Finchelstein, Diego
    2013  Review of Democracy, agency and the state: theory with comparative intent, by Guillermo O’Donnell; Democracy and the limits of self-government, by Adam Przeworski  Rivera, Mauricio