Now showing items 465-484 of 1218

    1994  Financial deregulation and prudent regulation: the case of Mexico during the 1990s  Araya Gómez, Iván
    1997  Financial derivatives introduction and stock return volatility in a emerging market without clearinghouse: the Mexican experience  Hernández Trillo, Fausto
    2012  Financial development and growth volatility: time series evidence for Mexico and the United States  González Vega, Claudio; Roa, María José; Cermeño, Rodolfo
    2023-10-29  Financial development and income inequality in Latin American countries: an instrumental variables estimation  Escudero Navarrete, Cristian
    2022-12-26  Financial exclusion and financial literacy: evidence from Mexico  Roa, María José; Villegas, Alejandra
    1998  Financial market regulation, imperfect capital markets, and industrial concentration: Mexico in comparative perspective, 1830-1930  Haber, Stephen H.
    1999  Financiamiento y provisión de bienes públicos. Un modelo de negociación  Ibarra Salazar, Jorge; Razzolini, Laura
    2024-04-24  Firm heterogeneity and innovation strategy decision  Guzmán Cofre, Cristian; Vásquez Lavín, Felipe; Sanchez Henriquez, Fernando
    2020-12-31  The fiscal cost of the provision of basic public services, subsidies for expenditure on food and basic citizen income per household during the COVID-19 pandemic: an expenditure analysis  Galindo Paliza, Luis Miguel; Filgueira, Fernando; Blofield, Marike; Francisco Cruz, Carlos Alberto
    2023-11-08  Fiscal decentralization and the allocation of public spending of subnational governments: the case of Ecuador  Aray, Henry; Pacheco-Delgado, Janeth
    1999  Fiscal decentralization in Mexico: the bailout problem  Hernández Trillo, Fausto; Gamboa González, Rafael; Díaz Cayeros, Alberto
    2013  Fiscal decentralization in specific areas of government: a technical note  Letelier S., Leonardo; Sáez Lozano, José Luis
    2006  Fiscal policy and national saving in Mexico, 1980-2006  Villagómez Amezcua, Alejandro; Roth Rivero, Bernardo
    1987-1988  Fomento a la industria mediana y pequeña en México: 1983-1988  Máttar, Jorge
    2001  Food for thought: basic needs and persistent educational inequality  Galor, Oded; Mayer-Foulkes, David
    1999  A fresh look at Asian economic performance: a less restrictive test for miracles  Grier, Robin M.
    2021-10-18  From bad to worse: the economic impact of COVID-19 in developing countries. Evidence from Venezuela  Caruso, German; Chittaro, Lautaro; Cucagna, Maria Emilia; España, Luis Pedro
    2007  From company stores to consumer's cooperatives and the worker's bank in the Orizaba valley textile milles  Gómez Galvarriato, Aurora
    2019-12-12  Frontiers in the economics of crime: lessons for Latin America and the Caribbean  Jaitman, Laura
    2003  ¿Fue necesaria la nacionalización?  Bazdresch Parada, Carlos