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dc.contributor.advisorDr. Kaniska Dam
dc.creatorCastañeda Álvarez, Diana Citlalli
dc.description.abstractWhen heterogeneous individuals form groups in order to carry out productive activities, equal sharing of surplus implies to loss of efficiency due the trade-off between size or homogeneity each coalition faces. Such loss in efficiency can be mitigated by deviating from equal sharing, e.g., the proportional sharing rule. We show that, under proportional sharing rule, there is a unique stable and efficient coalition structure, which is the grand coalition. We then find conditions under which smaller coalitions can form a constrained efficient and stable coalition structure. We show that such exogenous bounds on coalition size can be endogenized by introducing individualized expansion costs. When such costs implies proportional cost sharing, there is an efficient and stable structure. Finally, we consider a convex combination of the equal and proportional sharing rules, under which individual optimum size may vary non-monotonically with respect to ability.
dc.publisherEl Autor
dc.rightsCon fundamento en los artículos 21 y 27 de la Ley Federal del Derecho de Autor y como titular de los derechos moral y patrimonial, otorgo de manera gratuita y permanente al Centro de Investigación y Docencia Económicas, A.C. y a su Biblioteca autorización para que fije la obra en cualquier medio, incluido el electrónico, y la divulguen entre sus usuarios, profesores, estudiantes o terceras personas, sin que pueda percibir por tal divulgación una contraprestación.
dc.subject.lcshCoalitions -- Mathematical models.
dc.subject.lcshOrganizational effectiveness -- Mathematical models.
dc.titleCoalition formation with heterogeneous agents
dc.typeTesis de maestría
dc.accessrightsAcceso abierto
dc.rights.licenseCreative Commons Reconocimiento-NoComercial-SinObraDerivada 4.0 Internacional CC BY-NC-ND de Investigación y Docencia Económicasía en Economía

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