Now showing items 4824-4843 of 5647

    2021  Returns to schooling and skills in Mexico: a heterogeneous market  Garcia Garcia, Arely Alejandra
    2015  Revelaciones periodísticas que a nadie interesa investigar: el caso de los reportajes de la Casa Blanca de Enrique Peña Nieto, en México, y de los contratos con Hotesur, en Argentina  Herrera Aragón, Alberto
    2022  Review of A modern guide to public policy, by Giliberto Capano y Michael Howlett (eds.)  González Viveros, Liliana Deyanira
    2022  Review of A moral political economy: present, past, and future. Elements in political economy, by Federica Carugati y Margaret Levi  Hernández Rocha, Jaime Osmin
    1995  Review of A primer on decision making: how decisions happen, by James G. March  Castillo, Arturo del
    2001  Review of Analytic narratives, by Robert H. Bates, Avner Greif, Margaret Levi, Jean-Laurent Rosenthal y Barry R. Weingast  Nuño Mayer, Aurelio
    1993  Review of Analyzing social policy, by Michael Hill y G. Bramley  Moreno Jaimes, Carlos
    2002  Review of Behavioral law and economics, by Cass R. Sunstein (ed.)  Sour, Laura
    2020  Review of Bending the rules: procedural politicking in the bureaucracy, by Rachel Augustine Potter  Guzmán González, Patricia
    1999  Review of Beneath the United States. A history of U.S. policy toward Latin America, by Lars Schoultz  Tenorio-Trillo, Mauricio
    2019  Review of Beyond test scores: a better way to measure school quality, by Jack Schneider  López, Darwin
    2000  Review of Bicameralism, by George Tsebelis y Jeannette Money  Moreno Jaimes, Saloie
    2002  Review of Bowling alone, the collapse and revival of American Community, by Robert D. Putnam  Elizarraras Alvarez, Rodrigo
    1998  Review of Bridging the border; transforming U.S.-Mexican relations, by Rodolfo O. de la Garza y Jesús Velasco (eds.)  Valverde Loya, Miguel Ángel
    2010  Review of Bringing in the future: strategies for farsightedness and sustainability in developing countries, by William Ascher  Martín Reyes, Javier
    1996  Review of Business and democracy in Latin America, by Ernest Bartell, c.s.c. y Leigh A. Payne (eds.)  Faucher, Philippe
    1995  Review of Business, government and public policy, by Dan Bertozzi and Lee Burgunder  Salazar León, Carlos
    2022  Review of Buying audiences: clientelism and electoral campaigns when parties are weak, by Paula Muñoz  Oliveros, Virginia
    1994  Review of Chile: the political economy of development and democracy in the 1990’s, by David Hojman  Lubezky, Sandra
    2000  Review of Constitutional futures. A history of the next ten years, by Robert Hazell (ed.)  Dworak, Fernando F. (Fernando Francisco)