Now showing items 61-80 of 89

    2009  Las reformas electorales de 2007  Langston, Joy (Joy Kathryn)
    2009  La industria del amparo fiscal  Elizondo Mayer-Serra, Carlos
    2008  Electoral institutions and democratic consolidation in the Mexican states, 1990-2004  Aparicio-Castillo, Francisco J.; Ley Gutiérrez, Sandra Jéssica
    2008  The past as future: prior political experience and career choices in Mexico, 1997-2006  Langston, Joy (Joy Kathryn); Aparicio-Castillo, Francisco J.
    2008  The effect of electoral rules on indigenous voting behavior in Mexico's state of Oaxaca  Benton, Allyson
    2008  Judicial institutions and corruption control  Ríos Figueroa, Julio
    2008  Análisis de la evolución de la matrícula de las licenciaturas en ciencia política, administración pública y relaciones internacionales en México, 1974-2004  Villagómez Amezcua, Alejandro; Farias Rubio, Jennifer Susan
    2008  Protest beats manipulation: exploring sources of interparty competition under competitive and hegemonic authoritarianism  Schedler, Andreas
    2007  Hasta en las mejores familias: Madrazo and the PRI in the 2006 presidential elections  Langston, Joy (Joy Kathryn)
    2012  The Catholic Church, political institutions and electoral outcomes in Oaxaca, Mexico  Benton, Allyson
    2012  The twin uncertainty of authoritarian regimes  Schedler, Andreas
    2012  The (authoritarian) Governor's dilemma: supporting the national authoritarian regime without stoking local demands for political change  Benton, Allyson
    2012  The risk of partyarchy and democratic backsliding: Mexico's electoral reform  Serra, Gilles
    2012  Some facts and fictions about violence and politics in Mexico  Benton, Allyson
    2012  Stuck in the mud: the politics of constitutional reform in the oil sector in Mexico  Elizondo Mayer-Serra, Carlos
    2011  Gender quotas are not enough: how background experience and campaigning affect electoral outcomes  Langston, Joy (Joy Kathryn); Aparicio-Castillo, Francisco J.
    2011  Regulatory lags, liberalization and vulnerability to systemic banking crises  Garriga, Ana Carolina
    2011  How could Pemex be reformed?: an analytical framework based on congressional politics  Serra, Gilles
    2011  The tones of democratic challenges: skin color and race in Mexico  Aguilar Pariente, Rosario
    2011  An Argument for the ‘Best Loser’ Principle in Mexico  González, Raúl C.; Milazzo, Caitlin