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dc.creatorGonzales, Gladis
dc.creatorGaviria, Adriana
dc.descriptionEl Salvador, teenagers, inconsistencies, developmental decision-making, field experiment
dc.description.abstractThis paper examines inconsistencies in the decision-making of a sample of 2,248 adolescents from El Salvador when completing two classic experiments: temporal discounting and risk preferences. Inconsistency in responses is a significant issue when collecting experimental data because it implies a loss of the sample, as these data come from subjects who do not respond to the task as they should and could indicate, for instance, a lack of understanding of the task. To mitigate this problem, we reduced the number of decisions, designed tasks with a strong visual component, and adapted them to the context with the assistance of a local pedagogical team. Despite these adaptations, we first observe participants’ significant difficulties in avoiding errors such as multiple switching. Secondly, we investigate whether developmental factors (age), cognitive skills, and task repetition improve consistency. Lastly, we explore whether inconsistency in decision-making somehow shapes their immediate and long-term educational expectations.
dc.publisherCentro de Investigación y Docencia Económicas
dc.relation.ispartofLatin American Economic Review, volumen 34, número especial 2024
dc.rightsLa revista Latin American Economic Review autoriza a poner en acceso abierto de conformidad con las licencias CREATIVE COMMONS, aprobadas por el Consejo Académico Administrativo del CIDE, las cuales establecen los parámetros de difusión de las obras con fines no comerciales. Lo anterior sin perjuicio de los derechos morales que corresponden a los autores.
dc.titleInconsistent choices among adolescents in El Salvador
dc.accessrightsAcceso abierto
dc.rights.licenseCreative Commons Reconocimiento-NoComercial-SinObraDerivada 4.0 Internacional CC BY-NC-ND
dc.identifier.citationEn: Latin American Economic Review, volumen 34, número especial 2024

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