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dc.creatorTriberti, Giuliana
dc.creatorSoto Mota, Pablo Ignacio
dc.creatorVargas-Lopez, Adrian
dc.creatorSerra-Barragán, Luis Alberto
dc.descriptionLying, moral costs, mind game, charity
dc.description.abstractDishonesty harms economic performance and growth. However, the literature on dishonesty has used almost exclusively samples from developed countries. In addition, previous studies present non-conclusive results on how concerns for others affect lying behavior. In view of this gap in the evidence, the present study explores how the decision to be dishonest changes when it affects a charity. In an experiment involving 555 participants in Mexico, subjects could lie about the result of a dice roll without any possibility of detection. We contrast a situation without incentives to three conditions that differ in how dishonesty affected the charity. Deceitful behavior increased when participants could benefit from it. Also, participants lied less when they received benefits at the expense of the charity, but they did not lie more when they could help it. Our results suggest that making salient how dishonesty harms others might help reduce its negative effects in society.
dc.publisherCentro de Investigación y Docencia Económicas
dc.relation.ispartofLatin American Economic Review, volumen 34, número especial 2024
dc.rightsLa revista Latin American Economic Review autoriza a poner en acceso abierto de conformidad con las licencias CREATIVE COMMONS, aprobadas por el Consejo Académico Administrativo del CIDE, las cuales establecen los parámetros de difusión de las obras con fines no comerciales. Lo anterior sin perjuicio de los derechos morales que corresponden a los autores.
dc.titleHow do the consequences on others affect dishonest behaviour?: evidence from an online experiment in Mexico
dc.accessrightsAcceso abierto
dc.rights.licenseCreative Commons Reconocimiento-NoComercial-SinObraDerivada 4.0 Internacional CC BY-NC-ND
dc.identifier.citationEn: Latin American Economic Review, volumen 34, número especial 2024

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