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dc.creatorRodríguez, Gabriel
dc.creatorSurco, Luis
dc.descriptionInflation, trend inflation, inflation gap persistence, inflation gap volatility, inflation targets, pacific alliance
dc.description.abstractThis paper estimates and analyzes the dynamics of trend inflation, as well as the persistence and volatility of the inflation gap, in the Pacific Alliance countries (Chile, Colombia, Mexico, and Peru). The econometric approach employs methodologies proposed by Stock and Watson (2007) and Chan et al. (2013), including the AR-Trend-Bound model, which incorporates the implications of inflation targeting in estimating the unobserved components of inflation. The results show that this model effectively attributes most of the permanent component to trend inflation. Additionally, all four countries exhibit a declining trend inflation during the 1990s, stabilization in the first two decades of the century, and a growing trend inflation following the onset of the COVID-19 pandemic. The low levels of inflation gap persistence before the pandemic reflect the effectiveness of central banks in keeping inflation close to its trend level. Lastly, the volatility of the inflation gap captures the Great Moderation of inflation, with pandemic-era increases in volatility reaching levels comparable to those observed in the 1990s.
dc.publisherCentro de Investigación y Docencia Económicas
dc.relation.ispartofLatin American Economic Review, volumen 35, febrero de 2025
dc.rightsLa revista Latin American Economic Review autoriza a poner en acceso abierto de conformidad con las licencias CREATIVE COMMONS, aprobadas por el Consejo Académico Administrativo del CIDE, las cuales establecen los parámetros de difusión de las obras con fines no comerciales. Lo anterior sin perjuicio de los derechos morales que corresponden a los autores.
dc.titleModeling the trend, persistence, and volatility of inflation in Pacific Alliance Countries: an empirical application using a model with inflation bands
dc.accessrightsAcceso abierto
dc.rights.licenseCreative Commons Reconocimiento-NoComercial-SinObraDerivada 4.0 Internacional CC BY-NC-ND
dc.identifier.citationEn: Latin American Economic Review, volumen 35, febrero de 2025

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