Now showing items 81-100 of 130

    2015-04-11  Inflation targeting and term premia estimates for Latin America  Blake, Andrew P.; Rule, Garreth R.; Rummel, Ole J.
    2015-11-26  US–Mexico border tourism and day trips: an aberration in globalization?  Berdell, John; Ghoshal, Animesh
    2016-03-02  The economic integration of Spain: a change in the inflation pattern  García-Cintado, Alejandro C.; Romero-Ávila, Diego; Usabiaga, Carlos
    2016-07-21  Production risk and adoption of irrigation technology: evidence from small-scale farmers in Chile  Salazar, César; Rand, John
    2016-08-19  Poverty, vulnerability, and the middle class in Latin America  Stampini, Marco; Robles, Marcos; Sáenz, Mayra; Ibarrarán, Pablo; Medellín, Nadin
    2016-10-20  Does the commodities boom support the export led growth hypothesis?: evidence from Latin American countries  Kristjanpoller, Werner; Olson, Josephine E.; Salazar, Rodolfo I.
    2016-07-21  Great expectations? evidence from Colombia’s exchange rate survey  Echavarria, Juan Jose; Villamizar-Villegas, Mauricio
    2016-09-13  Does corruption affect cooperation?: a laboratory experiment  Campos Vázquez, Raymundo M.; Mejia, Luis A.
    2016-11-11  Impact of environmental and social attitudes, and family concerns on willingness to pay for improved air quality: a contingent valuation application in Mexico City  Filippini, Massimo; Martínez Cruz, Adan Leobardo
    2017-01-30  Changes in rural poverty in Perú 2004–2012  Morley, Samuel
    2017-06-02  Purchasing power parity in Mexico since 1933  Wallace, Frederick H.
    2017-08-22  A theory of sequential group reciprocity  Moreno-Okuno, Alejandro T.; Mosiño, Alejandro
    2017-02-09  Defence expenditure and economic growth in Latin American countries: evidence from linear and nonlinear causality tests  Kollias, Christos; Paleologou, Suzanna-Maria; Tzeremes, Panayiotis; Tzeremes, Nickolaos
    2017-04-05  Interest rate pass-through in the Dominican Republic  Grigoli, Francesco; Mota, José M.
    2017-09-15  A dynamic factor model for the Mexican economy: are common trends useful when predicting economic activity?  Corona, Francisco; González-Farías, Graciela; Orraca, Pedro
    2017-10-17  The impact of pharmaceutical innovation on cancer mortality in Mexico, 2003–2013  Lichtenberg, Frank R.
    2017-11-17  Determinants of social spending in Latin America during and after the Washington consensus: a dynamic panel error-correction model analysis  Martín-Mayoral, Fernando; Fernández Sastre, Juan
    2017-11-13  Machinery production networks in Latin America: a quantity and quality analysis  Silva Chang, Mateus
    2018-02-02  Some elements of Peronist beliefs and tastes  Di Tella, Rafael; Dubra, Juan
    2018-02-02  Path-dependent import-substitution policies: the case of Argentina in the twentieth century  Galiani, Sebastián; Somaini, Paulo